Mistakes made by couples in married life

Whether you are in a relationship or married, if you want to save your relationship and want to live happily then you should avoid making some mistakes. Small squabbles, arguments and fights are normal in a relationship. Many times after such estrangement, when the relationship comes back on track, then the thrill increases further. But sometimes disputes and quarrels increase a lot and can become the reason for breaking the relationship. Nowadays most of the breakup of relationships starts due to some common mistakes. If you avoid these mistakes in your relationship then your relationship can last long. So let's know which mistakes can unknowingly cause the breakup of your relationship.

Cheating partner

You should always be loyal to your partner. Cheating is the biggest mistake that spoils the relationship and increases love problems between you and your partner. Most people expect loyalty from their partner after getting into a relationship. In such a situation, if such a thing comes in front of them that makes them realize that you are deceiving them, then their trust breaks. So if you want to have a happy relationship then don't even think about cheating on your partner.

Don't give time

For a good relationship, it is necessary to maintain mutual communication and love. If you are not able to take out some time daily for your partner, then later it can affect your relationship as well. If you live in a nuclear family or live alone with your partner, communication is even more important. By not giving time to the partner, the thrill of the relationship ends and after some time the relationship starts moving towards breaking.

Be violent or say bad things

As important as loyalty and love are in a love marriage relationship, it is equally important to give respect to the partner. Physical or verbal violence should have no place in a relationship. If you cuss, abuse or hit your partner for small mistakes, it is bound to break down or turn toxic after a point of time. If you get angry very quickly, find ways to control it. In the event of a fight or argument, pull yourself back and maintain your composure.

Lying or hiding things

Lying or hiding things slowly creates suspicion and suspicion can spoil any relationship. Many times people tell small lies to their partner thinking that if the matter comes to light, they will handle it. But if such lies come to the fore again and again, then gradually the wall of the relationship starts cracking. So always tell the truth to your partner and do not hide anything.


Small problems remain in every family and every relationship. In such a situation, if your partner is facing any problem and they talk to you about it, then you should try to solve that problem in every possible way. If you keep postponing things on the pretext of being busy with your work, then slowly it will start affecting your relationship. So instead of avoiding problems, try to solve them.

Must Read :- Why do you get cheated in true Love


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